Running City USA


Running City is a city-wide quest for all ages — sort of like a scavenger hunt — that takes participants to interesting locations across the city.

No special training required!
San Francisco, CA
Upcoming Events
October 24, 2021
Seattle, WA
April, 2022
Learn More
Project History
The Running City project is the largest international city
orienteering competition. Since the inaugural event in Russia in 2000, the city games have been held regularly in cities across Russia, Europe and North America, including London, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Barcelona, and New York. After Running City was held in New York it is making its way to other North America cities including Washington D.C., Portland, Seattle and San Francisco.
About Running City
Participants will follow designated routes to interesting locations all across the city. At each point along the route, there are fun tasks that test your attention to detail. There are prizes for the fastest teams in timed categories!

Each team can have up to four members. Participants under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. Register your team in advance below.

Each team can choose its preferred route and competition level: walking (with riddles), walking with small children (kids can be in strollers) or running. Each route is timed (4-8 hours) and varies with each category.

Starting Time:
All teams start at different times. Each team will be designated its starting time after registration is completed. Starting intervals will be allocated approximately between 9 AM and 11 AM. Register early to get an earlier start!

Registration Fee:
The registration fee is defined individually for each event, and covers all printed materials for the team, souvenirs for each team member, and prizes for the winning teams in running and cycling categories.