Running City USA
2019 Running City Seattle
OCTOBER 24, 2021
Registration required before the day of the event
Registration fee
- "In the City" Option $50 per team (1-4 people)
- "Online" Option $13 per team
Special changes due to pandemic
No in-person interaction necessary. The starting pins and the finishing medals will be mailed after day of event. Optional pick up might be available on the day of the event (depends on Covid restrictions).
"In the City" Option
Classical Running City routes adapted for playing independently with an electronic control book. No in-person interaction. Electronic start and finish. Each team would require at least 1 smartphone with a camera. All checkpoints are provided to teams in electronic format on the game website.
"Online" Option
This option is suitable for those who want to take part at Running City San Francisco 2021 but cannot move around the city that day or are located in a different city or country.
In order to take part in the game, participants will need a computer (as recommended by the organizers) or any mobile device with Internet access. All checkpoints are provided to teams in electronic format on the game website.

Start & Finish
October 24th 2021

Start: 9.30 AM 651 Lombard St
Finish: 425 Mission St, Salesforce Park until 8 pm
"In the City" Categories
(Walking, riddles)
Participants are only allowed to walk, no running or using transport of any kind is allowed.
The course is NOT timed. Some checkpoints are given by riddles.

Time: ~7-8 hours
Distance: ~12 miles

Lion Mini
Shorter distance. For those looking to explore the most interesting places of the city. Kids are welcome. Stroller-friendly. No running or using transport of any kind is allowed.
The course is NOT timed.

Time: ~4-5 hours
Distance: ~7 miles
This is the category for the runners out there. Training for a marathon? This is the category for you! Using transport of any kind is prohibited (see rules below).
The course IS timed.

Time: ~4-5 hours
Distance: ~18 miles

"Online" Categories
Online Race
The "Race" route is more difficult (more checkpoints), it IS timed and has a bonus stage.

Time: ~8-10 hours of uninterrupted participation
Online Walk
The "Walk" route is easier (fewer checkpoints).
The course is NOT timed.

Time: ~4-5 hours of uninterrupted participation
Our Partners
If you are interested in becoming a partner or sponsor, please feel free to contact us.
Rent of Russian children's books with home delivery
The first rental books service in Portland. Let's read to our kids in Russian! Opening in Fall 2018. To know more how it works go to our website
Language Services
Literra gives a full range of language services, comprehensively supporting businesses in their linguistic needs around the world. Literra provides translation and related services for the following industries: life sciences, aircraft manufacturing, shipbuilding, power and electrical engineering, oil and gas, as well as financial and legal. Also they do transcription, SEO and translator training.

Literra is a member of the European Language Industry Association (ELIA) and Translators Union of Russia. Several of its employees are Memsource certified trainers.

The mission of Literra is to ensure that our clients are communicating clearly on domestic and foreign markets.
Что же такое ДроWA? В первую очередь это незабываемый активный отдых для всей семьи.

Целых три дня команды живут в палаточном городке и соревнуются в творческих и спортивных состязаниях, таких как футбол, волейбол, перетягивание каната, эстафеты, поиски сокровищ, конкурс песни, армрестлинг и т.д. Вечерами выступают различные рок-группы, барды, танцевальные коллективы, проводятся дискотеки, а также просто посиделки у костра. В финале все команды получают ценные призы и памятные подарки от спонсоров.

Турслет ДроWA проводится ежегодно с 2007 года. С каждым годом это мероприятие набирает обороты и становится все более популярным и массовым. В среднем мероприятие посещает более 1000 человек.

Детский журнал "Кот в мешке"
Детский журнал "Кот в мешке"
Литературно-познавательный журнал для детей и подростков на русском языке для детей от 6-ти лет.
Выходит раз в месяц, 13-го числа.
Доставляется по всему миру.
Открыта подписка на второй сезон!
Seattle Pinball Museum
The Seattle Pinball Museum is proud to present a collection of over 50 pinball machines from 1960 to present day. Our games are arranged in chronological order to allow visitors to journey through the decades of American pop culture and pinball history. Your admission includes free play on games exhibited
Nielsen's Pastries
Nielsen's Pastries was established by John Nielsen in 1965. If you are wondering if it's the same shop that used to be in downtown Seattle on 3rd Ave, you're right! When development on Benaroya Hall began, the bakery moved to its current location in Queen Anne in 1996.

Chris and Holly Prairie are now the owners and operators of the shop. Holly started working at Nielsen's in 2009 while attending Seattle Pacific University and after working one other job after graduation, she decided that there was no job that could be as fulfilling. It was her deep desire to make the world a better place through pastries that inspired the two of them to purchase the bakery in the summer of 2017. They have a passion for bringing people together through delicious food and that is what they strive to do everyday. In their spare time, they enjoy slow cooked meals by candlelight, riding their bicycles all around town, and playing music in a band called The Hoot Hoots (Chris on drums, Holly on keys/vocals/dance moves).