Running City USA
"In the City" Categories
Each events is held in one or several categories.
Please check for categories for a particular event in the event agenda.

This is the category for the runners out there. Training for a marathon? This is the category for you! Using transport of any kind is prohibited (see rules below).
The course IS timed.

Time: ~4-5 hours
Distance: ~18 miles

This is the category for cyclists. Cycling experience in urban environments is highly recommended. Helmets and tail lights are mandatory. Please be sure to follow all rules of the road.
The course IS timed.

Time: ~4-5 hours
Distance: ~25 miles

(Walking, riddles)
Participants are only allowed to walk, no running or using transport of any kind is allowed.
The course is NOT timed. Some checkpoints are given by riddles.

Time: ~7-8 hours
Distance: ~12 miles

Lion Mini
Shorter distance. For those looking to explore the most interesting places of the city. Kids are welcome. Stroller-friendly. No running or using transport of any kind is allowed.
The course is NOT timed.

Time: ~4-5 hours
Distance: ~7 miles

"Online" Categories
Online Race
The "Race" route is more difficult (more checkpoints), it IS timed and has a bonus stage.

Time: ~8-10 hours of uninterrupted participation

Online Walk
The "Walk" route is easier (fewer checkpoints).
The course is NOT timed.

Time: ~4-5 hours of uninterrupted participation